
Chemical Change Lab Report

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Purpose: To determine whether certain changes in matter are chemical or physical and also to describe the changes through observation. Hypothesis: When mixing sugar with water, ethanol and hydrochloric acid, they are going to react and the baking soda mixed with them will also react and it is going to have a chemical change. The salt will also react to everything and iron would also react to everything except for water. Predicted Data: Sodium Chloride: Water 1 minute: Nothing will happen 10 minutes: The sodium chloride will dissolve Ethanol 1 minute: The odor will change 10 minutes: The odor will change and it will dissolve IM Hydrochloric Acid 1 minute: The odor will change 10 minutes: The odor will change …show more content…

Some of the chemicals used reacted when combined with other chemicals. These chemical reaction occurred between the iron filings and the IM hydrochloric acid. This was a chemical reaction because an odor change was observed. Another chemical reaction that happened was that when mixing the iron filings and the IM hydrochloric acid, it was bubbling. Even though some of the chemicals reacted, some of them did not react at all. An example of chemicals not reacting is when the iron filings mixed with Ethanol did not react at all overtime. Another example was when the sodium chloride was mixed with the ethanol, it did not react at all. The results told that it physically changed because when the salt was dissolved in the water, it could be brought back by boiling the water. In conclusion, my hypothesis was partly right because some of the materials used, worked and some changes occurred with them physically and chemically but it was also wrong because the some of the chemicals such as sucrose and Sodium Hydrogen Chloride did not react at all with the other chemicals. Some errors that could have happened is when using the scoopula, the chemical could have accidentally been mixed in with different chemicals such as iron filings mixed with sucrose and could have a reaction even though it shouldn’t

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