Cheryl Forberg's 'Biggest Loser'

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Cheryl Forberg, RD, received her culinary education at the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco, then earned a degree in Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics along with an RD credential from the University of California at Berkeley. Cheryl Forberg is an award-winning chef and New York bestselling author, in 2001 she was named as one of America’s 100 Most Influential People in health and fitness, and then selected for the nutritionist on the NBC show, “The Biggest Loser” in 2004. Some of Forberg’s professional accomplishments are authoring, co-authoring books, including Positively Ageless: A 28-Day Plan for a Younger, Slimmer, Sexier You and Biggest Loser series. Currently, Forberg is a blogger for the Huffiington Post and a columnist for