Child Labor Testimonies

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1. How do these testimonies present the realities of child labor? Give specific examples.
The testimonies give us a brief snapshot of the condition in which children worked. Conditions were hazardous and grueling. They worked long hours for little pay. Most of them could not read or write and they could not attend school because they needed to work. They suffered from malnutrition and exhaustion. They were innocent children that were locked up in factories, like they had committed a crime. There was no concern or accountability for the welfare of children. The realities are that they were treated severe with little to no regard to their well-being. Some specific examples:
Children were used for labor and the conditions were deplorable, often …show more content…

She answered yes. They asked if it was constantly she said yes and they asked her if she had been strapped and if it was sever, she answered yes. (Sadler Committee) In the Ashly Commission Mr. George Armitage points out that nothing can be worse than girls working in pits. He has no doubt that debauchery is carried on and it is impossible for girls to remain modest. The girls have to work with men away from every one, there is every opportunity for depravity. Girls who are in pits, mix with males and hear indecent language. Girls are not trained properly in household duties and they are so overworked they lost any disposition to learn such things. (Ashly Commission) Rev. Robern Willan states the morals of the working class are in an appalling state. Promiscuous sexual intercourse is induced by the manner in which they sleep — men, women, and children often sleeping in one bed-room. Sexual intercourse begins very young. This and gambling pave the way; then drinking ensues, and this is the vortex which draws in every other sin. (Ashly …show more content…

Summarize the arguments presented in the Ashley Commission report for and against the regulation of female and child labor in mines. How is the issue of education used in each argument? Edward Potter argues against having children under nine in mines due to the possibility of them getting hurt or killed. Since it only lists Men and boys in employment, I assume he is against female labor in mines. (Ashly Commission)
Hanna Richardson is for her children working in the mines since they would rather work than go to school. If children were prevented from working until they were 11 or 12 years old it would hurt the family, there is not enough jobs for them to live on. (Ashly Commission)
Mr. George Armitage is against girls working in mines. They should be educated in sewing and household duties. He is against children working in mines. The children should be educated not only in Christian history and principle but almost everything else. Children are too tired and reluctant to go to night school. (Ashly Commission)
Rev. Robert Willan is strongly against girls and children from working in mines. (Ashly