Child Support Obligations

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One of the most common concerns post-divorce is: support payments. Some are worried about life changes that have made child support payments or spousal support an impossibility to maintain as designated in the original divorce decree. This can be addressed through a request for modification. In other cases, parents can be concerned about the fact that they never discussed an “end” to child support payments. As the child grows older, they begin to wonder…is there an age limit on Arizona child support payments? Does the order to pay child support eventually expire? And, if so, what age is the expiration date? To start, let’s reiterate: parents are required by law to financially support their children. But it is important to know your rights regarding when your Arizona child support obligation is fulfilled. For parents of multiple children, there will be multiple dates on which the child support obligation will decrease and eventually (when the last child becomes of age) expire completely. But just as important as knowing your rights is remembering that you must follow procedure as required by the Arizona Child Support Guidelines in order to protect your rights as a parent and terminate your child support obligation at the appropriate time and in the correct manner. …show more content…

If the child is still in high school when they turn 18, the parent’s obligation to pay child support continues until the child graduates from high school or turns 19 years old. Exceptions to these guidelines can be made for special needs children who need additional time in the home with the financial support of their