Childhood Obesity Advertising Ethics

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Could advertising be ruining this generation’s lives? As far as health is concerned, it could possibly be killing the youth before the age of five years old. Online and internet marketing could be the engine that drives obesity worldwide. Is marketing targeted towards the youth ethical? Marketing can be used for good or bad.

Advertising in the world is anything but recent. There are also rent signs from ancient Rome and Pompeii. Advertising did not begin to rise until mass media became available such as printing, radio and TV. There were concerns about advertising that targeted children in both radio and TV. “The British Parliament passed legislation in 1874 intended to protect youngsters from the efforts of …show more content…

Her objective is to eliminate childhood obesity within only one generation. She has had substantial success since the spring of 2010 introducing healthier alternative foods into school programs with menu-labeling and incentives for stores to position in their food deserts area. She set out and accomplished industry attention and assures that there will be a lot of nutritional reinventions of food items. Signs of this promise have been shown with her participation with Wal-Mart’s new healthy food determination. A detrimental piece of legislation was recently approved in late 2010 called the Healthy Hunger-free Kids Act. This Act started many of programs to fight these issues. The food retailing industry has been continuously looked at with a magnifying glass. Even though the food is at the end of the day purchased at the retail stores there is little blame put upon their marketing efforts to children concerning the obesity epidemic. That goes as well for their marketing to promote healthy food choices to their children and family customers. The only blame to be seen is because of the absence of grocery store chains in the lower income neighborhoods that provide access to better food choices. Retailers are avoiding the questions concerning obesity, so that they are looked at on the positive side of these health concerns. They are also pursuing a lot of approaches to greatly grow in the next year or so. When retailers address environmental questions, they usually do not address obesity directly. They usually respond in two ways. Both of these responses are