Childhood Obesity Epidemic Summary

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These days eating healthy can be a bit of a challenge. It seems like you cannot even watch a movie on television without seeing multiple commercials about fast food and new flavors of potato chips. As our children watch their Sunday morning cartoons they are bombarded with these images. As a busy parent, I sometimes have trouble trying to accomplish all the daily tasks and having time to cook a healthy dinner to insure my son gets the nutrition he needs. But what about the rest of the day? What are our children eating while away from home? How can we ensure they are getting the nutrition they need while away from the house? Our children spend a large amount of time in school-- Sometimes eating up to two meals a day. It is important for schools to serve healthy meals because it will help in the fight against childhood obesity and other health related issues. …show more content…

Erin Hennessy reports that a child is considered overweight or obese when their body mass index (BMI) for age is greater than or equal to the 85th percentile (611). Lubna Mahmood writes an interesting article called “The Childhood Obesity Epidemic: A Mini Review”. In this article she explains how childhood obesity is related to diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Mahmood tells us how a child’s environment can increase the chances of a child to become obese. The article also provides information on how television, inactivity, and junk foods play a role in the obesity epidemic. Mahmood gives us some ideas about what we as parents can do to help keep our children at a healthy weight including involving

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