Childish And Self-Centered In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Romeo can be seen acting childish and self-centered throughout Act 1. Shakespeare makes use of opposites, hyperbole, and voice to enhance Romeo's character traits and reveal his underlying value of hedonism. When Romeo enters Act 1 Scene 1, he is depressed because the woman he loves, Rosaline, does not love him back. To give his sadness more impact, Romeo lists off opposites, "Why then, O brawling love! O loving hate!" (1.1.174-178). The use of these opposites indicates that Romeo did not expect love to be this complicated or conflicting. Romeo was expecting love to be something that could be easily achieved (1.1.180). The way he acts can be seen as self-centered, as he does not even take into consideration