
China Vs North Korea Essay

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Communist Outcomes in China VS North Korea After declaring independence in the late nineteen forties, both China and North Korea adopted communism. But although China and North Korea are communist states, they differ greatly when it comes to the overall lifestyles and freedoms of their citizens. Many wonder how these two countries, which started out on such similar paths, ended up in such different situations. Today, China is considered a single party authoritarian regime, while North Korea is considered a single party totalitarian regime. China has allowed for a relatively free market, with some government interaction and regulations, while North Korea is one of the most closed market economies in the world. The Chinese government grants citizens more freedoms and rights than the North Korean government does. Lastly the history of leadership in these two countries also plays an important role as to why life in China and North Korea are so different today. By analysing the prominent events in history and addressing the leadership and governmental system we can successfully answer the question …show more content…

Mao’s rule plays an important role in understanding why China is the way it is today. Mao Zedong, although known for many things, was responsible for the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. During the Great Leap Forward was Mao’s attempt to industrialize agriculture and increase economic growth. A combination of poor weather and lack of agricultural experience causes millions of people in China to starve to death. The Cultural Revolution which created a personality cult around Mao Zedong was also seen as a failure. During this time, many citizens protested the government and broke out into violent protests. China was in chaos and citizens had little confidence and trust within the government.

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