Chinook Chapter 1-10

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Wow. I'm really impressed with the direction you took this discussion question. The most frustrating part of your whole argument is that it is something we all know and are aware of, yet absolutely nothing is being done to remedy it. The Army truly needs another means of transporting larger or heavy cargo outside of the chinook. The chinook is an incredible airframe and has demonstrated its usefulness over and over. Every time we think we can stop using it, we find another reason that it is currently irreplaceable. In many ways it reminds me of the A-10. They are both very dated airframes that have far outlived their forecasted life expectancy, for a VERY good reason! They are both phenomenal tools. This aspect needs to be looked at and instead of trying to develop one aircraft that can "do it all," we need to look at why these aircraft are so good at what they do and develop and improve on that. The Key West agreement is and has been hamstringing Army operations for years now. The Army needs to be able to support itself at a tactical level. This means we need a way to move our equipment in theater and …show more content…

The Blackhawks and Chinooks have to rely on the Apaches or the Kiowas to provide security. The Apaches and Kiowas are relying on the Blackhawks and Chinooks to transport the ground troops to the objective so that they may conduct their mission. Air assaults are the culmination of aviation coordination. They require an incredible amount of planning and detail to be successful and are one of the largest force multipliers the ground force has. They allow the ground force to rapidly reposition a large amount of forces in a short amount of time. These operations are incredibly important for us as aviation as it is one of our largest interactions with our ground force brethren. These are extremely important to have planned out to the smallest detail and executed with