Chocolate Milk Should Be Allowed In Schools

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Chocolate Milk Debate

“Chocolate Milk! Chocolate Milk!” No, this isn’t a protest, but I am here to explain to you why I am fighting for the right to keep chocolate milk in schools. Some schools in the USA are banning chocolate milk but I believe that it is a good idea to keep it. Many people think chocolate milk is unhealthy because when you think of chocolate you think of sugar, but it’s actually not as bad as you think. Chocolate milk may have a little extra sugar than white milk but it is still good for you in many ways. Chocolate milk is healthy, most kids prefer chocolate milk in schools, and it is good for athletes. Chocolate milk should stay in all schools in the US!
Chocolate Milk is Healthy

The first reason chocolate milk should be in schools is because it is actually very healthy for all kids. The most important reason is, all kinds of milk have the same 9 essential nutrients to keep our bodies healthy. They are: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, riboflavin, and niacin. All of these are in chocolate milk which proves it has nutrients for our bodies. Others may say that chocolate milk has so much sugar because there is the word chocolate in the name, but I argue that you can’t just guess that the chocolate in …show more content…

Chocolate milk is a good choice because things like pop, gatorade, and other sugary drinks are much worse for you with all the sugar they have in them. Studies have shown that it is easier for most people to tolerate a beverage rather than food after exercising. This is important because rather than grabbing a can of pop that has 30 grams of sugar and nothing healthy in it, you can grab a bottle of chocolate milk that is healthy for you and has a lot of nutrients for you. All this evidence supports the fact that chocolate milk is healthy for