Choice In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Chance can make or break our lives, while choice can help us escape and survive something extreme. In Night, a non-fiction memoir, written by Elie Wiesel in 1956. Wiesel shares his story about the nightmare he experienced when he and his family were deported to Auschwitz, one of the many Nazi death camps during WW2. He tells his horrific life story of how he survived the Holocaust, witnessed, and endured the mistreatment of European Jews and prisoners of war. Wiesel wrote this memoir to make people see the bravery, courage, and guilt of the Jews. Wiesel was finally liberated on April 11, 1945, when Buchenwald was liquidated by U.S. forces. Although some may argue that chance plays a more significant role in the story, Elie’s choices led to his survival, from lying about his age and agreeing with Idek not to say anything about what he witnessed.

Elie’s choice to lie about his age is one of the best choices he made that led to his survival. For example, Wiesel writes:

“‘Hey, kid, how old are you?’
The man interrogating me was an inmate. I could not see his face, but his voice was weary and warm.
‘Fifteen.’ …show more content…

Elie has the chance to stay in the infirmary with his father or leave with the rest and march to the next place. Finally, he decides that he and his father with evacuate with the rest. This shows that Elie could have made the choice to stay in the infirmary or leave with the evacuees. Elie had no clue what could have happened to him and his father if he were to stay. He finally chose to leave with his father, not many people would have had the option to stay and were taken by force to the next camp. Elie decided to stay with his father no matter what and survive through this. Therefor choice is more prominent throughout the story because Elie got to decide what his fate could have