
Choices In John Updike's A & P

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Life’s decision can be derived based on choices made among two or more alternative course of actions that are available. In the story A&P by John Updike, it tells us how a person thinks about the society and how it could affect its decisions in life. we have a theme of desire, conformity, rebellion and change in the story. As the story goes and set in the 1950s, it shows how the A&P represented a part of America in that specific era Three girls entering the store dressed inappropriately at the times show the rebellion the girls are doing against the conformity of the American culture. It doesn’t mean about the rebellion because they are in a bathing suit but because they are in a bathing suit in a place where people don’t wear bathing suit. …show more content…

Rather than changing the world Sammy begins to realise how difficult his life will be as a result of quitting his job and not conforming to the accepted norms of society. By rebelling against society and its norms and seeking to be independent Sammy may have liberated himself but he has also managed to alienate himself from society.*573 He will now need to think of different ways on how to be different in a society who thinks only to follow the norms and discriminate those who don’t. And also think of making a making a life-changing decision based on a momentary feeling. We should think of every consequence that decision will bring us and how we will react on those consequences. We need to be ready for everything that may happen after we made the decision with or without following the societal norm and as long as we can stand a point to different judgments by the people around us. Decision making is hard, but when we decide, we decide with all our heart and mind. Just follow what you think is best for you and for the

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