
Christian Worldview Essay

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If they once cared for me, then it’s my time now to care for them. When a baby is born a mother knows that at that moment they are not living anymore their life’s alone that they have a miracle from God. Their whole life takes a 180 degrees change. Their responsibility is to care for that child, teach that child, and prepare them for the future. However, after this child grows what happens to that person that cared and loved so many years until that child was ready to leave the nest. I think that that person should never be forgotten or mistreated. This is my philosophy of aging that we are flowers that once bloom and shined and then shriveled but the sun never stopped shining. It’s so pedestrian to forget a person that has done so much for your life. No matter how big or little that person has contributed to society or to your life they shouldn’t be forgotten. …show more content…

The word of God is the lens to how we perceive the world. How we act and treat other peoples should reflect Gods love and character. By honoring elderly people we are honoring Gods standers. This is how my Christian worldview impacts my behavior and character. The word of God say’s “Do not cast me off in the time of old; forsake me not when my strength is spent,” (Psalm 71:9). My grandma and grandpa are the most important elderly people in my life. I think that the way I love them and my interactions with them play a big factor on my perception of elderly. I’m able to see the world through a different perspective because of what they teach me every day. Being close to them allows me to understand the struggles and challenges that they face. It also allows me to understand why elderly people act the way they do. In other words, it’s a total different perception when you experience it than learning from books or

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