Christopher Columbus Webquest Essay

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Who is Christopher Columbus? Where did is voyage take place? Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. Christopher Columbus had an idea to discover new land. He had three ships and he named them; Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. In 1492, he decided to set sale to find the New World, he headed West from Palos, Spain. He made many discoveries along his journey; such as, seeing how the Natives and Europeans lived. While on his voyage he found that his discoveries had an effect on all of the people who were involved as well as the world. He made a total of four trips to the Caribbean and South America during 1492-1504. He was determined to find a direct water route, however, he was unsuccessful, instead he stumbled upon the Americas.
With the above information and several other facts about Christopher Columbus, students will be able to use a WebQuest to further their investigation on him and his voyage and discoveries. By doing so they can explore themselves some of the other details and information that Christopher Columbus encountered throughout his life. Through the WebQuest the students will get to travel with him and his crew to visit the Native and Europeans, as well as, Europe and Asia. Students will use explore and collect …show more content…

Once the WebQuest is complete, students will compose a 250-word essay summarizing what they found during their research of Christopher Columbus’ voyage; providing essential questions and summarizing why they think his voyage was important and the importance it had on the U.S in present day and will present to the whole class. In addition, students will create a timeline of his life and voyages. The timeline will need to show his life from birth, voyages, people met along the way, trip home, and death. Students will participate in games that reflects Christopher Columbus and moving through the chronological