Christopher Leonard The Meat Boot Analysis

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Christopher Leonard wrote a book called: The Meat Racket. In this book he explains what is really happening inside the Poultry Industrys that surround us. This book was supposed to help the people on the outside, have a better understanding of how there meat is being produced. But it seems that instead of explaining what is happening inside these industry's, he was more concerned with the machinery that delivered the chicken. Before beginning this essay, I read two articles that helped me understand this book, and the lack of information that was found inside. I believe that article A was very clear on stating it's points, about the book. Article A was very explanatory, and was very clear on the writers view point. Plus this article not only gave it's view point on the subject, but also gave you a little history about Don Tyson to go along with it. Another major factor in why I like this article better, is that it talks about the farmer's struggles, and why we need to help them out.
Explanation goes along way when writing an article. It's what gets the …show more content…

Farmers are the reason that there are chickens for this industry, that Mr. Tyson has created. But instead of being treated with the respect that they deserve, they are scared that at any minute they'll go bankrupt. The farmers do all this work, but they never really know if it's enough to keep them in business. Mr. Tyson has said that he wants to help get the farmer's rights, but has done practically nothing about it. He says word but at the end of the day, I get the feeling that he really honestly doesn't care. Article A gives clear information on the farmers, and leaves you wanting to help the farmers. Article B doesn't even mention the farmers, which is sad because they are a huge part of this industry. Just another reason why article A is just a little bit better than article