Christopher Reeve's Accomplishments

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Christopher Reeve was born September 25, 1952. He was an American actor, among other things, and he made some great accomplishments for his acting. He became a quadriplegic in May 1995 when he was forty-three years old when he was thrown from a horse named Buck in a riding competition in Virginia that injured his spinal cord. He is well known for his comic book motion picture Superman and appears in other films. After his accident he dreams wild dreams that he starts believing he can walk and do things at night, but not during the day. His wife Dana and children became anxious and he had a hard time coming out of a serious depression. A few months after his accident he had an idea for a film about a quadriplegic who lives in a dream. When Christopher arrived at the hospital and got looked at by the doctors his wife Dana received bad news after bad news. He was heavily sedated and because of the sedation developed ICU psychosis which has something to do with the light and dark. He would talk extremely strangely to his wife and this would freak her out. She would go to the doctors and tell them this. The doctors would have to reassure her that there was no head injury and his brain was fine because this was one of her concerns. Christopher counted himself to be very lucky to be alive after being …show more content…

Their main focus was on the National Endowment for the Arts, the environment, to campaign the finance reform and for homelessness. Chris asked Robin Williams one of his close friends to be one of the honorees for the evening. When they got on stage they bounced back and forth off of each other. They all had a great time and they took some photographs that got sold around the world. The money from the photographs was donated to the American Paralysis