Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Feminist Analysis

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This paper is an analysis of the feministic aspectof Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Chronicle of a Death Foretold. Feminism is a crusade, which has some aim and dogmas, where a feminist seeks equal political, economic, cultural, personal and social rights for women. The storyhere provides feminists a rich ground in which one can explore the codes of sexual morality that the townspeople of Columbia reluctantly uphold. The portrayal of female characters in the novel shows their submissive nature and how often they have been exploited and forced to go against their free will just for the sake of false family honour and society. It also represents how patriarchy was constituted, constructed and re-invented in Latin American society in the 20th …show more content…

It was the responsibility of all females to be apprehensive about the reputation of their family, unlike the males who had the liberty to do what they like. Thus, males subjugated the society where they had the free will and liberty to do what they like. Therefore, the paper analyses how the code of honour was to be carried only by the females during that period in Latin American society.

Keywords:Feminism, 20th century Latin America, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born in Antarctica, Colombia on the 6th of March in 1927. He was an anti-colonial Latin American writer and won the coveted Nobel Prize for Literature (1982) for Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1981). Colombia was a violent and politically volatile country back then and remains so today. Chronicle of a death foretold is a version of events that actually took place within Marquez’s knowledge. Apart from murder, violence and killing this story provides feminists a rich ground in which to explore the codes of …show more content…

This comprehensive characterization popularized by the media and mainstream fragments of the movement rears problematic queries. Mostly women, belonging to lower class suffers more and do not gain anything from the society as they are repetitively reminded of their fragile position in society.The representation and characterization of women in the novel show how patriarchy was instituted and fabricated in the 20th-century Latin American society.The depiction of women characters in the novel not only renders their internalisation and illustrates to what extent they were subjugated but it also characterises their insurrection and fighting against the oppressive