Social Values In Chronicle Of A Death Foretold

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Published in 1981, Chronicle of a Death Foretold is one of the most famous works created by prominent Columbian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This novella depicts the murder of Santiago Nasar, an honor killing as a revenge for Nasar’s deprival of Angela Vicario’s virginity. As opposed to the novella’s traditional society, the murder of Santiago would implicate more severe consequences for the murderers and the community in today’s society because of the changed attitude towards female sexuality and family honor or would not be possible at all due to the improved level of crime prevention. Conservative Social Values in Chronicle of a Death Foretold As Chronicle of a Death Foretold tells the story of the killing of Santiago Nasar, who was murdered for depriving Angela Vicario of virginity, this work is set in a small Colombian town, while the events described were inspired by the real events that …show more content…

Firstly, Pablo and Pedro would most likely restrain from killing Santiago Nasar because it would not be necessary to protect the honor of their family in today’s society, which they claim in the novella that “they would have done it again a thousand times over for the same reason” (Marquez, 29). Secondly, if the twins had decided to kill Santiago today, they would not enjoy such widespread support from the citizens of their town. Most likely, Pablo and Pedro would face a much more severe punishment because the current judicial system in Columbia and across the world tends to punish homicide with much longer prison sentences. The fact that the crime was an honor killing would not speak in favor of the murderers. Therefore, even if the event similar to Santiago Nasar’s murder is possible in the contemporary society, it would draw much more severe