Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Fate Analysis

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Fate, by definition, is the universal principle by which the order of things is seemingly prescribed. (Webster) Essentially, fate is events that are inevitable that we have no power to change. It is debatable that fate exists among everyone; however, humans are subject to making their own choices- free will. No matter what choices people make, they do not change our fate. A different path is simply taken towards fate. Both fate and free will play an important role in determining the death of Santiago Nasar, the main character in Chronicle of a Death Foretold, written by Gabriel Garcia-Marquez. “Free will” implies people are able to choose the majority of their actions. While one would expect to choose the right course of action, bad decisions are often made. This reflects the idea that humans do not have free will because if people were genuinely and consistently capable of benevolence, they would freely decide to make the ‘right’ decisions. In order for free will free will to be tangible, an individual would have to have control over his or her actions regardless of any external factors. It can be argued that the inevitability of …show more content…

It can be said that the cause of the death of Santiago Nasar could be considered an act of fate. It was a series of coincidental events that led to his death. It seems like the entire ‘plot’ was set up perfectly, and all the pieces fell perfectly into place. Conversely, one could argue that his death was one of free will. The opportunities that become evident as the narrator collected the testimonies was astonishing. The most prominent and seemingly deliberately ignored were the anonymous note of the warning that Santiago fails to notice, Cristo Bedoya’s difficulty finding Santiago, and Placida Linero locking the front door of her house in