
Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Gender Essay

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Gender roles in Chronicles of a death foretold

[Reflective Statement]

In Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novella Chronicles of a death foretold the different roles of men and women in 1930-1950’s Columbia are predominantly displayed by different characters. Santiago Nasar, an offender of a young bride is killed by her brothers in order to save the honour of the family and the woman.Supposedly, in Colombia during the 1930-50’s, men had a set of responsibilities and expectations that they had to fulfill in order to meet the social expectations of the social norms of Columbia. Men were supposed to be the providers and the core of the family who were expected to take care of the family and protect them, while women were brought up to serve men. perhaps Women during that time, unbeknownst to them, accepted themselves as being the inferior gender because in the novel we do not obtain any sense that the women were against this sort of treatment and, certainly did not see …show more content…

Márquez was very intrigued about how the notions of gender might control one’s position and role in society.. If you are born a male in Columbia you obtain an competitive edge over the opposite gender and are expected to be educated and provide for the family. The quote ‘‘the brothers were brought up to be men’’(2.15). emphasizes that men and women are brought up differently because of their gender and will be taught different sets of skills and responsibilities in order to fit into the male dominant society of Columbia. The quote ‘“Any man will be happy with them because they have been raised to suffer’’(2.15)highlights the notion that at a young age women were taught sewing, embroidery lace weaving and other household functions in order to serve

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