Church Kid Monologue

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Alright, most of you don’t know me so you wouldn’t know that I’m what you call a church girl. So any church activities, events, programs, I’m probably going to be there. So I was involved in this particular ministry where our founder, Mrs. Christie, took us to the beach every summer. As usual this particular trip started pretty good. Everyone was in good spirits just chillin and enjoying ourselves and we always stayed in a nice hotel with nice rooms.
But this particular group is all about the turn up so of course they had it with them. They boy and girls always stayed in separate rooms so we would all go to the boys room when we got settled. They have all the alcohol and the weed ready to go. My friend Josh had this bright idea to drink a whole half a bottle of brown liquor by himself! All of them are like lit before 3:00. So the day goes on and we usually end up at the “Strip” at night. Usually we find our own way to the Strip but this particular year Mrs. Christie was nice enough to take us to the Strip.
So we all pack up in the “church van”; all my friends are high, drunk, and everything else and we head to the Strip. So, me and my friend Josh are sitting on the very back row and as …show more content…

Ill bet money on that any day. The first moral of the story is watch who you hang out with and what you do. That night could have EASILY turned way worse if we would have gotten caught by the wrong people. I don’t know what I would’ve done if something bad would have happened. The last moral of this story is watch who and how your treat people. Mrs. Christie was a women that always went above and beyond for any of us and for us to do her like that was really wrong. Even though I didn’t drink or smoke I still didn’t speak up so I am just as guilty. So I say again watch who you hang out wit and how you treat people. And also please learn how to control your