My Role Model: A Case Study

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The quote "throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack" reminds me of my grandma Sylvia because she is so outgoing and if you were to take her to a party and leave her there and come back five minutes later she would already have like 20 friends. In contrast my grandma Sylvia was born in the state of Pennsylvania in February. When she was sixteen she married my grandfather who funnily was her old bus driver, though at the age of seventeen she had my dad and then two kids after him, my uncle than my aunt. My grandmother is still alive at the age of seventy and she and my grandfather have been married for over fifty years though sadly he passed away in 2015. In addition she has seven grand kids plus one on the way and in August …show more content…

My grandma Sylvia does all of it on her own with a little help every once and awhile since my grandfather passed away. In order to be considered a hard worker she has to have worked hard at something.So one of the things that makes her a hard worker is she runs her own hair salon which she is the only employee/boss. Another thing she does is manage to keep her house clean even though sometimes that means hiring someone. Lastly she makes sure my little cousin gets off the bus safely, and watches her until my aunt gets out of work. The obstacles she 's faced made her have to work even harder to achieve her goals.Though instead of giving up and calling a quits she trudged on. Because of this I can honestly consider her as my role …show more content…

Like I said for me, my grandmother is my role model. But she isn 't any typical grandparent role model who is admired for their knitting or cooking but the things that make her her. My grandmother is the glue that holds my family together because she always makes sure we spend time together and cherish the moments we have together. You could be a complete stranger but as soon as you were to meet my grandmother you would consider her your role model because theirs only one Sylvia Williams and you 'll never find another one like