
Cinderella Research Paper

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I will never cease to be amazed at the sheer amount of success Grace has been able to have. Quite frankly, I have no idea how she does it. She is constantly running from activity to activity, but she still manages to show up with an eager attitude and a smile. She is enthusiastic and dedicated in every situation. Unfortunately, she is also extremely obnoxious. An even more unfortunate fact is that we happen to be the same person. I do not have the best relationship with Grace. I roll my eyes at her extreme involvement and friendliness to others; she scoffs at my selfishness and apathy. On the other hand, I admire her ability to say yes to everything and she admires my courage to say no. Ironically, we are both afraid. She is afraid of letting …show more content…

When we fell in love with musical theatre, we were three years old; this was while Grace and I were still the same person. As a matter of fact, it was when we came to see Roger’s and Hammerstein’s Cinderella. According to my parents, three year old us was singing along in the audience. We were undoubtedly raised to love musicals; we could argue that it is genetic since both of our parents love musicals. Personally, I do not think they were quite prepared to raise a child who lives and breathes musical theatre. They kindled our passion and placed us in piano and dance lessons at age four. From there on out, Grace and I began to develop our own unique qualities. Grace was the one who loved the spotlight; I was the perfectionist who kept her from making mistakes. Even today, each of our artistic endeavors is a joint effort. I plan the auditions, Grace executes them, I prepare for the callback, Grace succeeds at the callback, but we get the part together. Overall, the success I have had in musical theatre could not have occurred without Grace by my …show more content…

She is outgoing and has a passion for being alive. I am introverted and have a passion for playing solitaire and sleeping. Being Grace all day gets exhausting and once I get home, there is a very small trace of her left. I am not super approachable by my family; I love one on one time, but I prefer to be left alone. I also am much more irritable at home; at school, I have to keep up appearances, so Grace makes sure to give of the air that there is no stress in her mind. As soon as I enter my house, all the stress is revealed. Rather than being constantly on the go, I am slowed down to the point where I am quite apathetic. Sadly, this only leads to more stress, but eventually evens out. I think my best aspect is that I am capable of giving undivided attention. I have my best conversations when I am one on one with someone and outside of a busy setting. In those situations, a person gets to talk to me in my true, unadulterated form. Grace also has many good conversations, but deep down, I feel as if they are fake and forced. Sometimes, it is as if Grace is not at all me, but simply a guise. In reality, I know that Grace is not a guise, that she truly is a part of who I am. She is everything I love and everything I hate about others. She is so funny, smart, motivated, organized, and creative all the time. In fact, I am almost jealous of her, but then I remember that truly, I am her and she is

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