Cinematic Characteristics In The Film Tim Burton's Cinematic Techniques

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In the movie of Tim Burton, he uses many different kinds of cinematic techniques, which are shots and framing, camera angles, camera movements, lighting, editing techniques, and sound. In order to set up the mood and tone in the story, he uses those cinematic techniques in the movie. Tim Burton style are more of a dark and delightful childhood experience and that he embraces the dark elements. The movie that Tim’s famous for, have those styles and elements in it. For example, the movie Vincent has element that are dark and a childhood imagination story. The story itself is also a bit creepy and dark, childhood experience, and classic kid horror. Burton uses those styles to empathize the mood and tone. Today, the topic will be about those cinematic …show more content…

In both the 2 films “Edward Scissorhands” and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” in the opening scenes of both films, Burton captures the big world with extreme wide shots that show the entire setting of the films and with the close up shots to creates the understanding that this one or more particular character is important, for example when the camera were zooming into Willy Wonka’s face when he was about to say something that are going to be important part of the story. These shots allow the viewer to have the same experience as the characters would, but Burton does not choose just one character to film from this angle. He wants the observer to feel what it is like to be and feel like the several of the main characters and realize that each has a different perspective or …show more content…

Tim Burton demonstrates lighting to effect the audience mood to the film, such as in the film “Edward Scissorhands” Tim Burton uses bright, popping colors in many of the scenes to symbolize what we might usually combine with good and normal things like at the beginning of the scene in the town with many different colors around the neighborhoods, similarly to the film “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” when the fireworks were being displayed in the factory with many bright and popping color were being seen around when Willy Wonka and the remaining contestants were in the elevator going to the next part of the factory, compared to the rest of the Charlie’s town that are plain, dreary scenes environment, which Tim Burton uses low-key lighting to show the difference between the factory and the rest of the