Circe And The Swine Analysis

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Circe and the Swine
Leonardo D.
AEAEA - An astonishing tale is filled with moments of irony and conquest that challenge a hero and test their loyalty. No one knows this better than Odysseus and his men, who have experienced many hardships that would overwhelm the average man. They spot an island after fleeing from their encounter with the giant-like Laestrygonians. Hunger and the lack of hope have overtaken their hearts so they decide to investigate the smoke that came from Circe’s halls. Once Odysseus lands on the island, he sends a scouting group ahead to face imminent peril. This event serves as the beginning of yet another conflict in the chronicles of his life.

Odysseus forces Circe to turn the swine back into men.

When knocking on the door, all were lured in except Eurylochus. The damned souls were turned into swine and …show more content…

Even though I inspired the crew to eat the cattle, Odysseus is still at fault. He is the leader and therefore he is responsible for the actions of the crew. Why was he spared by the gods and blessed with the sight of Ithaca when the crew and I met our fates at the hands of Zeus? I died for trying to survive. I am a simple man who would never intentionally bring forth the downfall of my own crew. In my opinion, Odysseus, the man of twists and turns, is a fool. He caused our deaths and evaded death itself once again. The gods favor him so. They admire him more than any modern man, and they cherish him more than any noble warrior will ever be praised. Without turning towards his dying men, the scoundrel flees like a coward to escape the inevitable, fate. How can an ordinary man, even one that has challenged the gods, fierce warriors, and the most dangerous monsters, dodge the same destiny that everyone must face. He is sacred to the gods and the man is the glory of Olympus. Because of him, I am trapped in the underworld as my deceased corpse sinks to the bottom of Scylla, the robust