Circumcision Persuasive Essay

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You just were in labor for a hours and now you and your loved one see a beautiful baby boy born and you must decide if you get your baby circumcised or not. Circumcision according to Mayo Clinic, is the surgical removal of the hair that is covering the head of the penis. Circumcision is a very popular in the United States but why do people tend to do that to their male baby when he is born? There are a lot of pros and cons to this practice but I will tell you the reasoning for why circumcision is a practice that shouldn’t be able to happen in the United States. Doctors say its the best thing for you so why not get it done. According to Intact America, their is no benefits at all for male circumcision. There has been studies from doctors all around the world and they state that there are no negative implications when a man doesn’t have an circumcised penis. What is also something thats a shocker is that most doctors around the world seemed taken at back that …show more content…

This is is something that is true but sexual transmitted diseases can come from anyone at any time. Before you even have sexual relations with an partner you should always get checked at your local clinic to make sure everything will be good. If you want to have sexual relation with a partner circumcised or not, the best thing to do is too wear a condom.Phimosis which is when it is impossible or very difficult to pull the foreskin from your penis head is something that is very possible to contract with not getting circumcised. According to Ghory, less then one percent of males who are not circumcised will develop the disorder. This is something that is less common then the amount of people that can multi task. This is something that is very rare to happen and is something that is honestly part of