Explain Why Did Islamic Law Put Restriction On Dhimmis

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Homework # 2
“Legal Text and Decrees: Restriction on Dhimmis” in Perry, Peden & Von Laue, eds. Sources of the Western Tradition. Volume I: From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment. 7th ed. Boston/New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
“Circumcision of Men and Women” in Perry, Peden & Von Laue, eds. Sources of the Western Tradition. Volume I: From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment. 7th ed. Boston/New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Why did Islamic law put restriction on dhimmis (Christians and Jews living in Islamic lands)? Why is it obligatory for all Muslim males to be circumcised?

Sharia could be defined by Muslims way of life. Muslims are to practice this religious law in their everyday lifestyle. Sharia law comes from the Muslim’s …show more content…

Christians and Jews groups were granted dhimmi which means protection . Under the dhimmi status they were protected by the islamic authority. They were permitted to live within the community and practice their own religion. They were only protected in such ways that they were not forced to convert, flee or be killed.

However, they were not given equivalent status with Muslims and were made to pay an exceptional amount of tax expense known as jizya, where they got less compensations for any damages and were degraded for the way they dressed up and also were subjected to mortifying confinements for their places of worship .

Rule that are meant to be followed under dhimmi status are that men could not marry Muslim women unless they converted to Islam. Their life and property were at stake and had consequences if any act of infidelity and relation with muslim women took place. If they rob a muslim on the highway or speak ill of Prophet Muhammad and the teachings of Quran would be severely …show more content…

Their items would be confiscated and would be thrown out for disobeying the law. If the person who already consumed the forbidden item, he should not have to pay but rather the seller would be punished for selling it in the first place.

If anyone dishonestly appropriates property or items belonging to others is guilty of theft and their hands would be cut off as a punishment. The Dhimmi’s were not allowed to ring church bells or display crosses. They could not recite the Bible aloud or make public displays their religious ideologies. They were prohibited from proclaiming polytheism and polytheistic beliefs on the subject of Jesus as an god, Son of Mary or any other to a Muslim.
There was a difference between poll tax between the riches and the poors. Even if one is poor , they are not excluded from paying taxes. As long as one stays in the country is only allowed to pay money for the poll tax. They were strictly banned from entering mecca and hijaz were they can only stay for three days if they are doing business transactions but can reside in any other places in lands of Muslims. Those who were merchants and traveling for trade were required to pay to the muslims a tenth part of all their

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