Citizen Kane Synthesis

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“A fellow will remember a lot of things you wouldn’t think he’d remember”… Unlike Mr. Bernstein I’m not remembering a lady on a ferry, but alike Mr. Bernstein I will remember something that no one would consider me remembering… My critical study of Citizen Kane.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the board, today I’m going to express why it is crucial Citizen Kane stay on the Module B Curriculum for 2017.

Module B addresses an analysis of construction, context and language, and an analysis of how the features of the text contribute to textual integrity, in an attempt to develop personal and intellectual connections within the text… and I’m going to show you why citizen Kane is a text that enables students to complete this to the highest ability, and …show more content…

Gregg Toland, the cinematographer Welles chose for Citizen Kane was open to all ideas and there forth created cinematic advances on many fronts the major significant contribution to cinematography came from the use of a technique known as deep focus…

The scene of Kane selling the newspaper back to thatcher some thirty years later, introduces the main reason it was valued to highly by critics at the time of its realise, and why it is still relevant to us today, Wells used deep focus photography technique to heighten the artistic presence of the scene, Deep focus refers to having everything in the frame, even the background, in focus at the same time, as opposed to having only the people and things in the foreground in focus… had used the technique in an earlier film he had worked on, but Citizen Kane marked the first time it was used so extensively or effectively… Deep focus is most effective in scenes that depict Kane’s loss of control and his personal isolation because it gives the audience a clear view of the space Kane commands as well as the space over which he has no power, clearly represented in this scene, enhancing the idea that …show more content…

This was very effective as it was new to the time in which the movie was released.

Due to the film’s critical success, Citizen Kane is found on majority of “greatest films of all time” lists this critical success is due to the films major advancements in cinematography and how it daringly addresses mutual social contexts.

Citizen Kane enables students to develop an analysis of construction, context and language, and an analysis of how the features of the text contribute to textual integrity, in citizen Kane as the film is so richly layered and still relevant to a contemporary audience, this enables students to develop personal and intellectual connections within the texts. Deep analytical and critical knowledge of the text is demonstrated through its advancements in cinematography and dejectic message, due to the RKO giving Wells total control over the film.

These reasons have impacted me and I personally believe that my study of Citizen Kane has impacted my life, in multiply ways and it needs to stay on the syllabus to enable future students to experience and receive the full benefit’s from module