Citizens United V. The Controversy Summary

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Corporate Domination in Political Culture: An Analysis of “Dividing Citizens United: The Case v. The Controversy” by Lawrence H. Tribe Corporations have become an influential source of political financing as a result of the controversial 2010 Supreme Court ruling, which stated that corporations are protected under the First Amendment to spend unlimited sums of money in support of campaign advertisements, so long as they are not directly connected with any political candidate (Murray Digby Marziani 1). In Citizens United v. the Federal Election Commission, by allowing corporations to use general treasury funds for unlimited political advocacy, the Court overturned several financial precedents, in addition to allowing for-profit corporations to conduct financial affairs in secret through the use of independent expenditures (Groonwald 1). The Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission Supreme Court ruling represents an unjust and unpatriotic view of American politics, which has led to severe corruption through the use of electioneering communications, secret money, and independent expenditures. …show more content…

Nevertheless, while federal law dictates that political advertisers must file a disclosure report if contributions exceed $10,000, donors can easily maintain their identities nonetheless. Furthermore, donors can now easily transfer money through “intermediary nonprofits”, otherwise known as super PACs (Murray Digby Marziani 2-3). In 2010 and 2012, “70-80% of super PAC finances directly supported or opposed federal candidates, and in 2012, super PACs spent a total of $620.9 million supporting or opposing House, Senate, and presidential candidates (United States Cong. Congressional Research Service 1-3). As a result, individuals have been left unaware of the influences corporations and other groups have had on federal