Civic Engagement Reflection Paper

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Over the course of this semester I have become more aware of the civic environment surrounding me and have been able to address civic engagement. Each assignment given to us helped me develop the knowledge, skills, values and motivation necessary to aid our client, provided to us by the Small Business Development Center who was a potential start-up business in the area, and thus the community. Assignment one introduced me to the reality of working in business and introduced me to our client’s market. Assignment two delved into the business model, how our client was making profits, its customers and how the company is getting the product to its customers. Assignment three discussed the more technical side of business and assignment four will be a general overview of …show more content…

The team first worked on improving the value proposition and discussing specific potential customers. We then matched the value proposition to the created personas in order to best identify which customers needed what kind of care. After, we performed a SWOT analysis to analyze our client’s future performance. We followed that with marketing, no one on our team had heard of our client before this project so we estimated that a large percentage of potential customers had never heard of it either. We then considered how our client could bring its product to customers. We looked at the demographics that our client should be focusing on to in order to bring the biggest benefit to the company and customers. Finally, we realized that in order for our client to be successful, it would need to have very strong ties with its customers. This would help our client bring intangible benefits in being kind and caring towards their customers to package as well as tangible benefits such as creating jobs and providing profit to the