Civil Disobedience Impact

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Civil Disobedience and It’s Impact Many Americans believe Civil Disobedience negatively impacts a free society because of the destruction the rebellious Americans can cause. Most of humanity believes “the law is something that can protect us” when, in the past, following the law has killed many innocent people and made governments go to war (Zinn). Civil Disobedience is a positive way for people to get heard and make a change. Those that went against the government in the past made an enormous impact on society today. Morris I. Leibman, a Chicago Lawyer, stated in his article, Civil Disobedience: A Threat to Our Law Society, that “civil disobedience under [the] circumstances is at best deplorable and at worst destructive”. Although some …show more content…

Howard Zinn, a historian, explained “if you just listen to TV and read scholarly things, you actually begin to think that things are not so bad, or that just little things are wrong. But you have to get a little detached, and then come back and look at the world, and you are horrified”. His explanation was perfect because watching things on TV rather than getting a first hand look at reality are two different things. Watching TV makes people feel safe and it blinds them to what is happening in the world rather than seeing it for themselves and being terrified because it is the ugly truth. You would assume civil disobedience has a negative effect on society, but looking back at history it had a positive impact on the people. Civil disobedience has changed a way of life and the way people treat each other. Like Howard Zinn says, “our problem is civil obedience” and as soon as society realizes that, they will have a better understanding of other people's opinions. If America is known for having Freedom of Speech, then people should be