
Civil War Dbq

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The Civil War began in 1787 When I think of the Civil War, I think about slavery. Actually I believe thats what caused the Civil War, it was the start of Slavery in 1619 when the English settlers in Virginia purchased 20 blacks from others. Many say that the Civil War was initiated because of slavery. " Yet many could point to the Founding Fathers to the constitution, to the Bible itself, for justification of the idea that whites deserved the right to ensalve Blacks", back then or maybe I'm not up to date with the Bible, but the Bible or God was a guide to the white people to enslave the black. The bible gave them the right to own and work black people and keeping and sell them as slaves. " Slavery had to come to the Americas before the U.S. …show more content…

In the South, slavery had Biblical justifications such as the book of Ephesians 6:5-9:", The south just needed to be justified because of them enslaving black people and the money and trades look very good to them. Then came the opposition , which was the North. They believed that the Black slaves should be freed, " while Southerners would come to see slavery as a positive good, Northerners would also come to see it as evil," Different views from the South and the North would lead them to have different viewa about slaves , like one wanting the slaves to work because the bible stated that the North was in the belief that having slaves was illegal and evil and racist. The American Colonization Society to the rescue, this society was ready to end the debate about slavery that were going to send all the black slaves to Africa instead send them to Liberia, which was a land that they bought to start sending them …show more content…

Women would rebel against their own race to defend the slaves, fianlly out of their shells. A man would stand up with female rights " Garrison argued that females should play a critical role in the abolition movement, " the defender of women and their rights and the importance of the abolition movement and women. According to the Three- fifths Compromise of 1787 " Blacks were not real people." Blacks were only ther to be counted as a partial vote for power of the white slave owners. Slaves were being counted as 3/5 of a person for the sole purpose of the vote, which was the vote for the owner. Jefferson was one of the person that advocated for the slaves urging for " Congress to take up the issue of abolishing slavery once and for all in the year of 1807." Thomas Jefferson was hopeful that the slave owners would consider and free the black slaves and to end brutality against them. Jefferson wasn't successful in his mission to free the slaves because there was always someone wlse that wanted slaves to work for

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