Civil War Revolution Essay

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A revolution is defines as “a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.” Except common wars we hear about everyday are not actually revolutions. Buy everyone knows that the Civil War is a revolution. The Civil War started in 1861 and ended in 1865. This was the war that abolished slavery. The battle was fought between the Union States(North) and the Confederacy(South). The American Civil War is an example of a revolution because the north fought to abolish slavery(a social norm at that time) and the South turning against the government, trying to secede because they didn’t agree with new laws.

The Civil War all started on the morning of April 12th, 186 when General P.T.G Beauregard fired the first shot on Fort Sumter. The Confederacy heard that the Union was going to abolish slavery and set new laws that they were not happy with, so they seceded. They also wanted to get back land they thought was rightfully theirs, but it wasn’t. The North and South’s battle took place all over the country. The last fight of the war took place at Palmito Ranch, Texas, in the spring of 1865. …show more content…

Even though the Confederacy was not it’s own country and did not have it’s own government, they continued to ignore the North and kept treating human beings like property. The Union told the Confederacy to stop slavery multiple times, but they did not listen. In the article Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party Before the Civil War by Eric Foner, a man named George William Curtis agrees that the Union fighting against slavery makes the Civil War a revolution when he says, “We are not only people. We are two peoples. We are a people for Freedom and a people for Slavery. Between the two, conflict is inevitable.”(Curtis. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Man). The only option the Union had left was to force the Confederacy to stop using slaves, they were revolting against a social

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