Clan Of The Cave Bear Analysis

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Jean Auel is one of the leading authors in historical fiction novels, filled with adventure, romance, and creative views of her characters.

Clan of the Cave Bear is her smallest novel of 468 pages, which is filled with her lengthy paragraphs describing in great detail, the historical land in her books. One night she suddenly began working on a short story, after inspiration struck she learned as much as she could about prehistoric life and the world in which all our ancestors came;now one of the leading authors in historical fiction novels, filled with adventure, romance, and creative views of her characters

Auel attended University of Portland.While a student, she joined Mensa, and worked at Tektronix, as a clerk , a circuit board designer, …show more content…

The primary characteristic of historical fiction novels is a realistic historical setting. Like other fictional genres, historical fiction relies on an authentic sense of place. Historical novels are set in a time period usually 20 years or more in the past, one in which the author has not lived. The setting of a historical novel is brought to life by detailed, factual portrayals of the setting 's geography, culture, society and customs. Sarah Stone and Ron Nyren, in "Deepening Fiction," write that "descriptions of details [are] a big part of what makes the [setting] of the story come alive.(Sarah Stone, Ron …show more content…

On the brink of death after being attack by a cave lion, she is found by a group of Neanderthals looking for a new home after their cave collapsed in the same earthquake. The medicine-woman, Iza, takes in Ayla to live with the Clan.
Valley of Horses-
In the second book Ayla becomes a friend and mother to a young filly named Whinney and a cave lion cub named Baby after being cast out by Broud and forced to leave her son behind. Later she meets the first of her kind, Jondalar, a Zelandonii man from a years journey away after saving him from a cave lion but his brother was killed before she could help.
The Mammoth Hunters-
In the third book Ayla and Jondalar meet the Mamutoi of the Lion Camp, where Ayla is adopted into them, now she had people of call her own. But after a while Jondalar wants to leave to his own home. After many difficulties Ayla figures out that they love each other and agrees to go with him to his

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