Clara Maass Summary

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This is the story of Clara Maass, she was born in East Orange, New Jersey, on June 28,1876. She was the oldest of nine sibling and took care of them as if they were her own children from a very young age. But even so she had to drop out of high school at 15 to help care for my family, and help her mother. Clara went to work as a nurse at an orphanage for ages 10-15. She did everything she could for them. She worked 110% at the orphanage. When she turned seventeen she went to study at Christina Trefz Training School of Nurses, and graduated only two years later. She graduated among the first students. It was her passion to be a nurse, so she traveled to Germany, where she had to work at a hospital, she was named head nurse of the institution. …show more content…

While she was dealing with everything Yellow Fever broke out everywhere and it was getting worse all over many countries.A young lady named Maj was calling for any volunteers they could to help them find a cure for the ghastly disease. She was well aware of the terrible things that the fever did to oneself. Nevertheless, she was determined to find a cure. Clara was shipped to Cuba. Where she was accepted to become infected in order to help find a cure for Yellow Fever.

There were seven people that were accepted. However, she and all the others were required to stay at the hospital where they could keep an eye on all of them. All seven volunteers were bitten by the infected mosquito, In hope to create an immunity to Yellow Fever. Clara herself had only caught a mild case of Yellow Fever, with a painfully throbbing headache and intense nausea. Clara lived, but unfortunately two young men died from the experiment. She had decided to sign up five more times to be infected. She wasn’t sure why, but she had such an interest in Yellow Fever and wanted to find a cure. She wasn’t accepted to do it the five other times she signed up, but over the course of the experiment more people died from the from it. Despite the dying people Clara knew