Clinical Team Case Study Essay

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Mom and Maxx greeted the clinical team at the door. Maxx smiled, made eye contact with the clinical team, and said, “Hi.” Mom guided the clinical team to the couch in the family room. While sitting at the couch, the clinical team introduced themselves to Maxx and told him they were there to play with him. The clinical team probed preference. To illustrate, the clinical team asked Maxx if he liked puzzles, he responded correctly and said, “Yes.” Then, the clinical team engaged Maxx in a puzzle contest; Maxx was successful at completing the 24-piece puzzle within one minute. He was also successful at cleaning up the puzzle. Next, mom gave Maxx a two-step instruction (i..e “ Go to your room and get your games”). Maxx complied and went to his room and brought out over three board games. Maxx chose the first game. The game was Sorry. The clinical team asked Maxx how to play the game, he did not verbally respond, he just looked at the clinical team once and proceeded to set up the game. Mom added that he does have difficulty explaining how to play games.
During this time, Maxx was observed to take turns with the clinical team and understand the concept of …show more content…

Whenever mom saw this behavior she told Max to “Stop” for “Calm down”. The more told Maxx, “No” the more he would stand up and try to point his finger three to five inches away from someone 's eye. It was also observed when Max was denied a turn, because he was not his turn, he would whine and then stand up and poke his finger again three to five inches away from the other players eye. When behavior was ignored by mom the behavior appeared to reduce. At the end of the game Max did not win, but he did not display any aggressive behaviors. Next the clinical team suggested playing the game, Memory. During this time he was observed to take