Coastal Migration Theory

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There many theories about humans coming to America,but which one is true?One of the most recognizable one is the land bridge theory.An alternative theory is the coastal migration theory.It is still ambiguous to which theories are true or not.Though they are still looking for artifacts.What if they finds something that doesn't match what they have found?Will it be a closer step to figuring out human migration to the Americas?
Starting off, The main theory everybody believe in is the land bridge theory.Also proverbial as the Beringia theory.In 13,500 B.C it is said that the first human arrival on the Americas.Then after the land bridge,beringia got enclosed in water.Causing traveling to be cut off that way.The bridge was formed between Asia and …show more content…

That proves there is another way people traveled to the Americas.Around 16,000 B.C they traveled along the Pacific coast of the Americas.Traveling by boat probably because of it advantages.It would have been pretty easy comparing to walking miles on land with predators.A few advantages they would have had if they went by boat, easier,faster,no predators,resources and shelter.A few complications with this theory is that there isn’t much evidence to prove it actually happened.Except for the pits of remains,Eva,Monte Verde Chile.In the area of Monte Chile there was a mammoth bone with a spear point inserted in it that seem to have be around 14,500 years ago.Then Eva she was believed to be the oldest human remains found on the Americas.
To see how humans came on America we have to collect evidence and decipher what is true and what is not.Shown in the Beringia and Coastal Migration theories one has a little more evidence than the other but are valid theory that could help the case. I believe that there is still evidence out there they haven’t found and probably won’t find in a long time.Both theory are good pieces to the puzzle but they are still missing a good amount of the you think archaeologist will ever find out how we got here and exactly from