Coca Cola Product Differentiation Strategy

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1.2. Product Differentiation This refers to differentiation that aspires to make a product more attractive by contrasting its unique qualities with other competing products (Investopedia, 2015:1), as in the case of Coca-Cola, other soft drink brands. Successfully adopting this strategy would have a company gaining a competitive advantage, as the customer would then view the product as unique or superior. This is what coca cola has managed to do, and has managed to do it on a scale that is globally unique, and globally recognized. Much proof would indicate that Coca-Cola has definitely chosen a differentiation strategy since its early days. To prove this, a look will be taken into how it has being done. According to softdrinkcolar blogspot (2012:1), the company spends about 20% of their total advertisement budget for maintaining and communicating on its differentiation strategy. Coca-Cola has created differentiation using a soft sell approach and has positioned itself on the following standards: # Corporate reputation for quality and innovation: one of the best place to work- This would attract a pool of workers of the highest caliber, thus leading to more value induced into the company. # Successful communication of perceived strengths of the product: Integrated marketing strategy- This has …show more content…

This aims at developing a deeper consumer desire for the brand, thus giving people more reason to purchase Coke- Cola products instead of competing brands. This is the essence of differentiation. Coca-Cola having an 'action orientation', instead of waiting for change to happen it is at the leading edge, driving action forward. This product differentiation strategy has created global value, brand loyalty, non-price competitor as well as no perceived