Introduction Written and published in 2008 by Paul Gootenberg, History professor and Latin American studies at University of New York at Stony Brook, “Andean Cocaine: The Making of a Global drug” retraces the pivotal stages of the illicit cocaine trafficking, starting from the boundless coca fields in Latin America to the chemistry laboratories in Europe up until the streets of U.S. cities. The aim of this book review is to provide the reader with a short but detailed insight of what is the main content of the book, by paying particular attention to its structure, objectivity and style. Scope & Organisation Adopting a meticulous chronological approach, Gootenberg describes the infamous and complex untold history of cocaine, analysing and
Methadone Maintenance Treatment The Methadone Maintenance Treatment (Camh) helps patients overcome an addiction of opioid dependence. The treatment uses methadone as a replacement for the opioid. Methadone is a narcotic drug that helps suppress opioid withdrawal symptoms, reduce cravings for opioids, not induce intoxication (e.g., sedation or euphoria) and reduce the euphoric effects of other opioids, such as heroin (Camh). MMT is beneficial to the patient in many reasons.
The Reality of the “Hillbilly Heroin” Epidemic in Appalachia McDOWELL COUNTY, March 9—West Virginia’s Bureau of Public Health determined that the state of drug addiction and abuse in McDowell County, West Virginia is increasing in high numbers. McDowell County, known to be one of the poorest counties in America, is a community overwhelmed with the devastating effects of poverty and drug addiction. This is clearly a problem too dire to ignore. Background:
Everyone knows that Nita is on hard drugs (cocaine). She will sleep with men for money. It was told to the reporter more than once that Nita would allow grown men to have oral sex with her child for drugs. The child would be hollering, probably because she does not like it. It was unknown if this is happening to the other child.
Behavior Description We are all driven by some form of human desire. Some of the most common are sex, money, and power. However, for some, those desires can develop into deceit and greed. I had a friend by the name of Andrew.
Let’s look at the punishment related to crack cocaine use offenses and how they are that much more severe than the punishment for illicit use of prescription opioids. Through this research we will come to realize that the only real difference between the two is the skin color of the people using them. With a rapid increase of deaths related to the misuse of pain relief prescription medications there is a frenzy in the “white community”. However, this same type of sympathy was unheard of during the black crack cocaine epidemic of the 1990s. Where the most aggressive drug sentencing laws to date were instituted, impacting minorities
What Is Adderall? Adderall is that the brand of a prescription medication accustomed treat attention deficit upset disorder (ADHD) in kids and adults. Adderall could be a combination of 2 stimulant medicine, drug of abuse and dextroamphetamine. Adderall XR is associate degree extended-release variety of the drug. Doctors additionally dictate Adderall (but not Adderall XR) to treat hypersomnia.
As previously mentioned above, Narcotics Anonymous is a support group where individuals who are addicted to drug using can go into recovery with the help of others to cleanse themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally from drugs. The support group accepts individuals who are looking to stop their use of any illegal drugs, substance use, and alcohol consumption. An individual(s) with a problem with alcohol and substance use is viewed as an illness, based on the severity of use, and its affects it does to an individual. Alcohol and substance use can start at any age from adolescent to older adult age. An onset of alcohol and substance use can be known when/if there is an indication of it from an individual’s family history, and/or family
Crack cocaine is a processed, solidified version of regular cocaine. While cocaine alone takes about 25 minutes for a user to achieve a high, crack cocaine does the same within 5 minutes. Typically, baking soda and water are added to cocaine, then it is boiled to become crystallized. Although the amount of cocaine is processed into a smaller dose, the steps taken to crystalize it make it more potent, and users can ingest less for the same high. During the early 1980s, the United States had war efforts in the South American nation of Nicaragua.
To see how Methamphetamine first started we can look back at Germany in 1887 when chemist Rumano Edeleano first synthesized Amphetamine a stimulant used to suppress appetite, but was latter know to have additional effects making the user feel alert and energetic. By 1919 Japanese chemist had derived Methamphetamine from Amphetamine it happened to be more potent and easier to make. They also found that the crystalline powder would dissolve in water and injecting was the preferred method. By world war 2 Methamphetamine went into wide use by the Americans and Japanese both used it to keep their troops awake, but Japan was known to give high doses to Kamikaze pilots before they went on their suicide missions. After the war the drug was widely
The 1980s marked a turbulent era in the history of drugs. From President Reagan’s call in 1986 for a “nationwide crusade” against drugs to the “Just Say No” anti-drug propaganda led by First Lady Nancy Reagan, eliminating drug use—particularly crack cocaine—was placed at the forefront of society’s most pressing issues. While President Reagan’s relentless pursuit of a drug-free society was hard to ignore, one tragic event that devastated the nation truly made it impossible to overlook: basketball sensation Len Bias’ death. His death amplified the panic that resulted in significant effects on the NBA’s stance on drugs in addition to fueling the subsequent racialization of drug policy in the U.S. As an ardent basketball fan, it was difficult
The disease model of addition is the foundation of Narcotics Anonymous. The disease model posits that the addict has an incurable disease much like diabetes or an allergy; thus, exposure to a substance is viewed as the primary cause of psychological addiction (Narcotics Anonymous, 1983; Jenkins, 2016). N.A. is identified with the spiritual model of treatment (Jenkins & Finner-Williams, 2016). The spiritual model of therapy views addiction as a disease to which persons are defenseless without a “higher-power.” In this view, treatment focuses on the resignation of self, and instead, instruction from a higher power and a spiritual awakening toward recovery (Jenkins & Finner-Williams, 2016).
Life for African Americans in the 1960s was rough. Racial tensions were high because the black communities faced significantly lower incomes, more unemployment, and social isolation compared to white Americans. Events like the race riots only served to portray the anger of the African American community towards the injustices they faced. One of these injustices was the harsher punishments placed on possession of crack cocaine compared to the ones placed on the powder version of this substance. Even though the two drugs are both cocaine and act the same way on the human body, crack was vilified for no apparent reason, other than the fact that it was predominantly used by the black community.
Methamphetamine is a nervous system stimulant drug. The drug is extremely addictive, it is a white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystalline powder. There are many different ways you can take this drug. Such as orally, smoked, snorted, or dissolved in water or alcohol and injected. When you smoke or inject the substance, it quickly goes to the brain.
Typical whale-like traits apparently the earliest to appear where the webbed feet (turning into fins), whale-like teeth, shorter legs with big feet, and whale like hearing with ear bones (ear structure). All of the other traits like fins, snake-like seamless body, nostrils shifted back, hind legs reduced and eliminated, strong swimming tail with flukes form, and small neck and long head appeared to evolve much later, this is because the organisms have to adapt to the environment and ecosystem around them and that takes time. Missing links are place holders used when a transitional fossil cannot be found to fill in the evolutionary tree. As each new “missing link” was found, there are numerous other gaps that have to be found, so it keeps on going because scientist find new species every time they look for “missing links” to fill in the gap. The relationship between gaps and fossils is that there will always be missing patterns that lead up to the final or current species.