Cocaine Research Paper

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The depressant drug, I will be discussing is called, “Alcohol”. Alcohol is considered to be a strong drug. When alcohol is consumed, it has the strength to slow down the brain’s activities. Which is a reaction that a sober person might, not have any issues with. The neurotransmitter areas that increases when drinking are called, “the neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid”, also known as GABA. When a person is drinking he/she increases the GABA, which cause the brains areas like; the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, amygdala, and nucleus accumbens, are affected. However, there are some physiological effects, when drinking an alcoholic beverage. Alcohol has the ability, to relax the person(s) consuming it. The reason a person(s) …show more content…

Cocaine is a drug, it is produced from a coca plant, which is native to Bolivia and Peru. Cocaine can enter one’s body, by either injecting it with a needle or snorting it through the nose. I will be discussing, how this stimulant drug affects the neurotransmitters, physiological, and psychological state of one’s body. When using cocaine, it diminishes certain areas of the brain, which are rich in dopamine synapses. Those areas of the brain are; the nucleus accumbens (NAc), and the ventral tegmental areas (VTA). When using cocaine, “it binds the uptake pumps and prevents them from removing dopamine from the synapse.” Which causes more dopamine to collect in the synapse, and it also causes more dopamine receptors to be activated. This is how the neurotransmitter in the body, is affected by cocaine. Once a person snorts or injects this drug, in their body he/ she can experience some physiological effects, in their body. What happens once the drug is inside the body, rushes through the bloodstream rather quickly. Providing the person with a sensation of an “overjoyed feeling”, that can last 15 to 30 minutes. Since the rush of the drug diminishes, the brain’s supply of serotonin, neurotransmitters dopamine, and norepinephrine; it also causes the person to feel disturbed and depressed, as the high goes down. This is how the drug affects a person’s physiological …show more content…

Marijuana comes from a plant called “Cannabis sativa”, which comes from Central Asia but is now grown all over the world. I will also be discussing, the effects of the drug has on a person’s neurotransmitters, physiological, and psychological state. After doing some reading and research, I have learned that Marijuana does not affect any exact neurotransmitters in the body. However, the drug does “disrupt the membranes of neurons and affects the functioning of a variety of neurotransmitters and hormones.” The drug marijuana, does have a physiological effect on a person’s body. The physical effects of this drug are; high pulse rate, high blood pressure, coughing, dry mouth, and red eyes. When the drug is in the body, it can last up to an hour or hour1/2, unless someone eats the drug in food, then it can last up to several hours. That is how marijuana affects one’s physiological state. The psychological effect marijuana, has on a person is; hallucination, depression, and the since of happiness. It can also cause a clouded view of time and place; strong sensitivity to sound, tastes, smells, and colors. Marijuana can even make it difficult for someone to focus and remember things. It’s especially harmful, when a woman pregnant uses the drug, causing the child to be born with a low birth weight and many other birth defects. That’s how marijuana affects the human