Cognitive Processing Therapy Patricia A. Resick, PhD developed the cognitive processing therapy that includes an exposure element but highly emphasizes on cognitive strategies to alter negative thinking that emerged from a traumatic event (DeAngelis, 2013). Cognitive processing therapy actually draws upon knowledge from prolonged exposure treatments that have been effective but focuses mainly on information processing theory (Schulz, 1992). Cognitive processing therapy has the victims directly address these negative cognitions related to related to safety, danger, trust and one’s introspections that leads prevents them from recovery. The therapists role is to engage in the cognitive component of the therapy through the use of open-ended …show more content…
In the beginning, participants have to learn about their own PTSD symptoms and the potential outcomes of the treatment. Afterwards, the participants need to become aware of their negative thoughts and feelings. They have to pay attention to how their thoughts influence their feelings. They are challenged to think about the trauma differently, expressed through writing or talking. Writing a detailed account of a detailed account of what they had previously transpired helps the participants. Participants are asked to read aloud their progress in the treatment sessions (once or twice a week). The next step is practicing skills to help question or challenge the negative emotions; this allows victims to develop reappraisal skills, skills that can be used in their daily lives. Participants will slowly have a change in belief where they have a sense of security, safety, trust, self-esteem and hope, after a positive view of life, it also makes relationships easier hence less effects on family members and friends. The skills are very practical and effective, this treatment as a whole is very effective. There were 28 veterans who participated in CPT together, there were three drop outs and 77% with a drop in their PTSD symptoms. Dr. Kevin Reeder quotes “there is no cure for PTSD. We’re talking about …show more content…
This is slightly different than that of the exposure therapy suggesting CPT is simpler. A key problem in helping PTSD is that people are reluctant. Evidence from In the IOM 2010 noted that only 65% of veterans diagnosed with PTSD sought help voluntarily. Therefore, this documentary was an effective way of encouraging more soldiers to seek help and offer them support into living a valued life again. Despite it being harder to group sexual assault victims based of their case, there are certain aspects of PTSD that are common amongst rape survivors. Studies have shown that the interoperation of the trauma effects immediate reactions (Schulz, 1992). If the rape victims experience conflict between their prior sense of security and the rape experience then they will have a more severe reaction. If they have grown up being invulnerable to rape and then they suddenly were, these schema conflicts. Schemas are cognitive frameworks or concepts that help organize information, after mental frameworks are formed, it is very hard to store new but pertinent information (Cherry, nd). Schema conflicts bring about feelings of shame, humiliation, anxiety and