Cold Sassy Tree By Olive Ann Burnes: Major Inventions

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Cold Sassy Essay Major inventions really affect the time in which they happen. In the book Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burnes, there were many technological inventions that bettered the lives of the community living in the town. One major invention that impacted Cold Sassy Town was the automobile. This invention played a major role in the plot of the story; yet also impacted the town’s everyday life and future. A major invention in our generation is the widespread, public access to Internet . This invention led to quicker communication, and it was a major opening for opportunities online. Inventions and advancements are a vital part of an improving society and world. The automobile in Cold Sassy Tree is a major invention that symbolizes …show more content…

The invention of the automobile is very greatly due to Henry Ford’s assembly line and mass production ideas. In the 1920s automobiles became more popular, yet still, not many people owned one. The public had a positive response to Ford’s T-Model, and soon automobile industries were expanding rapidly. During the time in which Cold Sassy Tree takes place, automobiles were still a luxury. The automobile plays a role in the plot of the story; Will uses it as a way to spend time with Lightfoot. “I was driving the Cadillac...I recognized Lightfoot…” (Burns, 243). Will just wanted to help Lightfoot get home, but he ends up kissing her and getting in a lot of trouble. A conservative town, the community of Cold Sassy did not see many modern inventions at all. “I started clearing out the barn shed for a garage, but couldn’t make headway for folks dropping by to see the automobile...some were jealous...Pink and Dunse McCall …show more content…

We are now just one click away from buying a car or communicating with someone halfway across the world. “The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before.”("Internet Society."). Scientists and engineers like Roberts and Kleinrock worked very hard to put their ideas down on paper to describe this global communication through a network. The first form of the Internet was originally called ARPANET. Another major inventor Kahn, was the first to introduce this ARPANET at a conference. “In 1965, another M.I.T. scientist developed a way of sending information from one computer to another that he called ‘packet switching.’”("Internet Society."). Years later, improvements kept happening. In the 1980s, Vinton Cerf’s “protocol transformed the Internet into a worldwide network.”("The Invention of the Internet."). Later in 1991, Tim Burners-Lee introduced the World-Wide Web. He created the internet that we use today. The Internet changed life in the U.S. dramatically. ARPANET, the earliest form of Internet, allowed the Unites States to have an advantage over the Soviet Union during the Cold War through its communication benefits. As the Internet grew, no longer did students have to use encyclopedias and search through hours of textbooks to find information; for communication and research became quicker. The Internet is used for commercial