
College Admission Research Paper

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College Admissions Essay Debate is just one of many words, people can use to describe the situation that happened my sophomore year. A debate is a group of people having an argument about a certain subject that is important to them or a matter at hand. During my sophomore year, the school decided to have all the classes make a social contract for every hour “Which was fine…..’ until I got to my fifth hour U.S. history class. When class began, the teacher told the class to work with our table mates and come up with some ideas for the social contract. That is when my table mates and I came up with whether or not sarcasm should be on the contract. So that’s when I said it should not because some people use it all the time, and that would not be fair to the people who use it. I learned that a debate is …show more content…

Well that brings me back like a few weeks ago. When a student and I started an argument, about whether it’s okay to talk bad about the country while we are doing the pledge. During advisory class we had to do the pledge a student started to say that the country was stupid, and that he hates this country, just because people go around expressing their religion and what they believe in. Then I stepped in and said that it was wrong of him to say those things while we are doing the pledge. I also said that people have the right to express their religion or their opinion about something. All of a sudden he said that the whole thing about expressing their religion and their opinion is just stupid, and that people should not be able to express their religion or opinion to others. Also that school’s should not be able to force students to do the pledge. Just because they may or may not believe in it. So, I said how is it fair that we have to sit here and listen to you talking bad about the country. Which is wrong to do, especially when we are doing the pledge. So let’s just agree to disagree about

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