College Admissions Essay: High School Marching Band

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To the average person, the high school marching band is nothing more than a bunch of geeks that play during half time at the football games or monopolize the benches by the band hall, but to me, it is so much more. To me it is a family, a safe haven, a creative outlet, a home. I have been involved in marching band for three years, going on four, and I wouldn 't trade the experience for anything. When I entered high school as a scared and awkward freshman, I immediately had three hundred people that I could rely on. The program quickly became like a second home to me and opened up a whole new path in my life. Playing percussion took on a whole new definition in my eyes and I gained not only a greater respect for music, but for the people that created it and managed it and loved it like no other. Through my high …show more content…

I enter this fall semester a seasoned veteran of the drum line, having been on the line since my sophomore year. Last year was rough to say the least, and I intend to make this my best year yet. We lost a lot of people coming into this season, either through graduated seniors, or people who left the program. One of the people who decided to leave was my best friend. This was hard for me to take, and I am still adjusting to life in band without her. Despite these occurrences, I am extremely optimistic about what is to come. We gained an incredible group of freshmen who want to learn and improve and overall be a part of something great by contributing everything they have to offer. They have inspired me, as I hope to inspire them. I want to leave a lasting impact on this band and I think that my cards are lined up perfectly to do just that. This band program has shaped me into the person I am today. Someone who is disciplined, loyal, respectful, ambitious, and overall dedicated to everything that I