
College Admissions Essay: I Want To Be A Kid

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Being a kid rock's it's super fun and if most of us could choose to many would enjoy being a kid forever. Why? Well, when we are kids reality hasn’t hit us right in the face yet. I should know this, for I too wanted and still want to be a child forever but sadly life stopped that wish in seconds. When we stop acting immature and become more grown up that’s when things become harder. We get more work, we get more hormones and we have to start acting our age but I apparently didn't get the memo when I was in my last pre-teen year. The crucible of my short 15 year existence, is pretty messy. This “trial” in truth took a toll on me, this “trial” took away my childish ways. Somehow my naive 13 year old self got some sense knocked into him. But anyways enough dilly dallying let me start the story already. Let’s begin with some …show more content…

I vowed to ensconce all my childish behavior deep down inside me. So, I could become a son that my mother could be proud of and a teen that would not cause harm to anyone. I decided to become a better role model for my brothers and start acting my age. I had to come to the realization that I was no longer a kid and I had to grow up. I wish I had the chance to stay a kid forever. But we all know that can never happen but it’s still a nice dream to have. So ever since then I’ve tried to be a proper and civil teenager which is extremely hard but I try, so my mom can be proud of me and not regret having me. I still can’t get over the fact that I cause my brother to have a scar for about 5 to 6 months. Thankfully his scar faded away with time. If I had to look at my brothers face everyday and see that scar I would only be reminded of how bad of a brother I was and how immature my behavior was. I went from a rebellious and disobedient kid to a more responsible and more mature

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