
College Admissions Essay: If I M Luck

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Hello there, I’m Luck! The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes me as “A force that brings good fortune or adversity” (Luck). Their definition of my life seems lackluster, but for the most part this is true, as I do seem to creep into the lives of people and help make their lives better or worse. Consequently, I have two distinct personalities: good and bad, there is no inbetween. In the people’s mind I am winning the lottery, falling down the stairs and breaking your nose all in the same week, or getting a promotion at work, but ultimately I am none of those things. If I, Luck, am not late nights and long days at the office, a quick ride to the nearest corner store, and a clumsy soul, then what am I? At times, my more favorable personality …show more content…

She, is denying the opportunity to spend a good time with friends to study for the biology test you have the following morning. She is hard work for a much wanted achievement. As you can see, I am not success. I am chance. I am superstitions. I am kismet, but I am not success. For nine months, my aunt Fate carefully, meticulously handcrafted Success’ personality and molded her into the beautiful, delicate developing young woman she is today. My mother, on the other hand, did no such thing for I am free flying. Like a bird, I have no restrictions. Consequently enough this comes in handy when I want to randomly leave a good lottery ticket on the ground or “accidentally” trip my worst enemy, but there are still moments when I doubt my …show more content…

The subtle differences between the two easily confuse me. For if one believes in the basic principles of kismet, then I am Fate. However, that would mean that everything anyone did lead up to this specific moment. THat would mean everything they went through in their lives was specifically placed in an order that lead them to this specific moment, reading this specific paper. On the other hand, I could've gotten lucky. One could be reading this essay because he or she cares about my thoughts and would like to help me sort through them. However, I sincerely doubt this is the case. There is another choice, I could be Success, but that would mean that I spent valuable time working towards my goal, but I didn’t do that. As the great Thomas Jefferson once said, “ I am a great believer in luck. The more I work, the more luck I have”(Values). This definition, however is not me. I have come to know that I do not exist as a separate entity myself, but rather as a distorted version of

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