The word goals has a variety of meanings to me. My lifetime goals are to be a successful scientist, share my passion for music with others, and to achieve success in anything that I do.
I have taken many steps to set myself up for success down the road. I’ve taken the typical advanced courses as any other success-driven student. I 've maintained good grades and done everything a good student should do. However, that 's just not good enough. I joined band, and chose to play tuba in the 6th grade. It 's been a fun experience especially because girl tuba players aren 't very common. I 've come a long way since I began playing. In fact, I soon plan to audition for the Bluecoats, which is a drum and bugle corp: a professional marching band. This would be an amazing experience as I 'd get to spend the summer with insanely talented and passionate musicians touring the whole country. It would be a challenge physically and mentally, but would give me the benefit of gaining musical experience and meeting new people. Music has been an enormous part of my life and high school career and has taught me many valuable life lessons. It 's taught me time-management, organization
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In addition to school related activities, I also have a job at Fuzzy’s Taco Shop. It has honestly been such an educational experience for me. The job has taught me how to follow and keep a schedule, handle money, and has given me good communication skills. It 's definitely a real-world experience, and it gives me an advantage over my unemployed counterparts. Having previous job experience will make it easier for me to find a job in college. Having to plan events and other activities around my work schedule has allowed me to become a wizard at time management.
As I mentioned, I 've taken many steps to ensure I reach my goal to be successful in college. I also have been able to utilize my time management and communication skills to my advantage and am more prepared for college and