College Admissions Essay: My Pursuit Of Higher Education

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The pursuit of a higher education is not a right but a privilege. Not everyone has the time, the funds, or ideal circumstances to pursue a degree but the ones that do tend to take their time in those institutions seriously. People pay thousands of dollars for in depth knowledge and new experiences. College presents you with chances to experience different cultures, activities, people, and levels of education. To be able to experience all of that makes me think hat this whole experience could be beneficial to your character development.
College life has changed my attitude as a student and as an individual. I learned the importance of studying and time management. Throughout middle and high school I never really had to study because all tests were just remembering repetitive information, so why study? In college it’s not just knowing what the professor said but knowing how it applies in different scenarios and in depth understanding. I had to study and ask questions to understand …show more content…

I am surrounded by more serious people that keep me on top of my studies and encourage me to do my best. I am surrounded by future teachers, nurses, doctors, and lawyers and have made a lasting connection with each of them. When I leave college I will carry those connections with me into the real world, because you never know when you will need to see someone in their field. As I continue my path to my degree, I expect to meet more people to learn from and create connections.
College has also taught me to grow up. You are in charge of taking care of yourself and your environment. I’ve gained a sense of accomplishment from doing the simplest things. I buy my own groceries, cook my own food, do my own laundry, clean my own “home”, and manage my own money. I learned how to be a functional young adult. College provided me a safe environment to learn the basic skills I need to one day leave and live on my