
College Admissions Essay: The Power Of Education

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Our world is continually modifying, so it requires a society that is well educated to understand what is happening around us. Knowledge is a primary key to shaping tomorrow’s leaders. Growing up and seeing my parents struggle because they did not have the chance to attend school made me see that education truly is power. In today’s society education has become an essential in being successful. Going to college provides endless of benefits, such as the opportunity for personal growth, employment opportunities, financial rewards, and credibility. Without an education, people are disconnected from the world. When my mother, Blanca, came to the USA, she did not know any English, making it hard for her to communicate with others. She …show more content…

Finishing college, I can make twice as much, if not more as I make now. I lived in a one bedroom apartment with my three siblings and my parents. It was the only place my parents could afford. I seriously do not know how my parents did it because if that were me I would not know what to do and I would have given up. I commend them. During my senior year in high school, I thought I could not go to college because my family could not afford it. It was hard trying to find money to cover everything, but my parents did it for me. I want to be able to make my parents proud of me and take this opportunity. Graduating college is my biggest goal right now.
Education is needed to have a successful career and a good income. Any job out there requires some background knowledge even if it is a High School diploma. With a good income, I will be able to provide for myself and my family. It will affect my lifetime salary in a positive way. Once I get a job in my field, it will be easier to find ways to pay off my school. The more promotions I get, the more I will make. Education is seriously a powerful

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