Booker T Washington On African American Education

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Civil Rights and advancing of racial equality has been a major issue for many, many years and seems to still be today. There are periods of time when the intensity is at a low and periods of time when it seems to be very volatile. Sound our focus be on economic opportunities, as outlined by Booker T. Washington, or for addressing the disfranchisement of African Americans that Charles W. Chesnutt described. A broad educational background, permitting vocational adaptability and flexibility, seems more imperative but then one could argue that you cannot obtain that education without the representation and protection of our civil rights. Can a great education change things. Booker T. Washington believed that economic success for African Americans would take time, and that subordination to whites was a necessary evil until African Americans could prove they were worthy of full economic and political rights. He believed that if African Americans worked hard and obtained financial independence and cultural advancement, they would eventually win acceptance and respect from the white community. “No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in …show more content…

A great education can change economics. A great education change democracies. A great education can change dreams. Honestly, I think Mr. Washington and Mr. Chestnutt both are right. I believe that having an education enables you to obtain knowledge to be successful and have economic worth. “The power of education extends beyond the development of skills we need for economic success. It can contribute to nation-building and reconciliation.” Knowledge is power and with that knowledge you will not have the determination and ability to know how to fight for your rights and use what has been established before us. “The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees all citizens equal protection under the law, and the Fifteenth Amendment prohibits denying men the right to vote based on their